In March, many unexpected contestants were eliminated from our favorite Vh1 shows. 2 of those contestants were
Ashley from
Rock of Love Bus and
Cali from I
Love Money 2. Ashley was kicked off Bret's bus for her very close relationship with her supposed ex-boyfriend, while Cali was eliminated by her friend Prancer for playing on both sides of the show's alliances. Both girls have decent interviews with excerpts below! Enjoy them!
Ashley's Interview
"Do you watch the show and feel like you’re the star or a star?
I don’t feel like I was any kind of star. I still go to the shitty bar down the street. I still drink dollar shots of tequila. I still go to Wal-Mart with my son. On the show, I was being myself. Love me or hate me. If you’re listening to what I’m saying, I obviously have impact. I think I said a lot of things people wanted to say but were too scared to. I don’t care if you like me, I’m gonna tell it like it is.
And the haters aren’t bothering you?
I don’t read message boards or blogs. People who comment never have a default picture. It’s like, "What do you look like?" OK, Bessie who’s 800 lbs., at home, mad because I’m talking about fat brunettes. I’m sorry. I wasn’t talking about you, but look: if you have the time to write a comment about me, you probably have time to go to the gym and make yourself somebody that I wouldn’t make fun of.
What was it about Farrah that you were able to connect with so intensely?
I don’t know. The second that I saw Farrah, I was like, “That girl is gonna be my friend.” She was just funny, pretty, smart, witty. She’s me. Farrah and me are like the same person. I feel like she’s my sister. We talk every single day. I went on TV thinking I was going to date Bret Michaels, and I walked away with some really good friendships."
Cali's Interview
"What did you think about It taunting you during the Power Outing?
It’s so hard to stay mad at It. It is It. But he did piss me off that day. I wanted to hit him with the racquet. He kept trying to hit the tennis balls at me.
What about when T-Weed asked if you were a dude?
Fuck him. I hate T-Weed. He’s a piece of shit. He was just acting crazy for TV. He’s just a little bitch. He’s rude, he’s an asshole. He has no respect for women, and he must not get a lot of ass.
You filmed the show very soon after wrapping Real Chance of Love, right?
I did! I didn’t get a chance to watch that show at all before I Love Money. After I got home and watched, I was able to say, "OK, I see how things work with editing." If I would have seen that ahead of time and really understood the way things work, I think I would have played the game differently. Even with the little schemes on Real Chance of Love, I can see what they do and don’t show. I would have acted out more on I Love Money."
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