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Monday, April 20, 2009

Last night was the long-awaited reunion special for Season 3 of Rock of Love, called Rock of Love Bus. In the show, Bret Michaels went through 23 different woman, to finally select Taya as his rock of love. At the reunion Bret and Taya finally got to see each other again after 3 months and the rest of the cast was reunited and emotions flared up. Check out below and see what really went down!
*Constandina announced she recently got married. She also gave Bret a gift.
*Ashley and Farrah dissed Melissa when she mentioned that she "created The Blondetourage". Melissa then preceded to walk off the stage
*Gia stopped drinking [probably due to her appearance on Charm School] and Nikki said she has entered rehab.
*Brittaney [who gets booed by Marica] apologized to Natasha for their racial issues on the show.
*Kelsey calls out Natasha during the break and says she does porn. Natasha then yells out and says "six figures", meaning she makes $100,000+. Kelsey then yells out "OK, Nathaniel", causing Natasha to pounce from her chair and attack Kelsey. They began to brawl and due to editing, many of the violent scenes were removed. Both of the girls were then escorted out of the studio. Kelsey reportledy had her hair "pulled out" and she went to the hospital later that day.
*Mindy and Bret meet up and they share a long, dramatic kiss. They reconcile a bit but he still stays with his gut feeling about being with Taya.
*Taya comes out and she is booed by her fellow cast mates as she makes out with Bret. Beverly and Mindy call her out, but she puts everybody in their place. Her and Bret talk about their relationship, and though they insist they will stay together, it looked a bit fake.
The reunion was a bit disappointing as there were no interview segments with some of the show's key characters like Brittanya, Beverly and Jaime. The fight between Natasha and Kelsey was good, but it sucks the editing ruined it. I'm happy for Taya and Bret, and I hope they do stay together. This season was unforgettable, and I can't wait to see these girls on the spin-offs!

{What is your opinion? Leave some thoughts!}

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