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Thursday, April 16, 2009

On Sunday night's finale of Rock of Love Bus, Bret Michaels chose the Penthouse Pet Taya out of 20 women to be his final [?] rock of love. In her 2 interviews with Vh1 she talks about how she thinks the connection will last, her love for Bret, her job as a stripper, her feud with Beverly and Mindy, and her overall portrayal on the show. Her interview is packed with information, and if you have the time, it is a great read. Check out a excerpt below, and congratulations to Taya and her victory!
"Obviously, a few months is a long time not to see someone that you might be with or whatever. Do you still feel the way for Bret that you did when the show wrapped a few months ago?

The hard thing for me is that I’m the only girl from the show that leaves and has no closure. As messed up as it is that someone gets their heart broken, there is closure in heartbreak. You can move on. When you leave and you’re the winner, it’s a bittersweet thing. You’re emotionally involved and then you think, “I don’t know what’s going to happen. In the next six months when he’s on tour, maybe he’s going to find someone else. Maybe his feelings will change. The connection we’ve built may suffer.” And then add not being able to talk to anyone because you can’t give away the end of the show and you’re left festering with all these feelings.

Did the girls beat you down at all? You strike me as particularly sensitive.

In my real life, I bounce back and forth between working and my son. I don’t have a lot of close friends. In this situation, I liked a lot of the girls, actually. Even the ones that annoyed me: I got it. I got that they added value to the show. Obviously, I didn’t run in Ashley and Farrah’s circle, but there wasn’t a day that passed that I didn’t laugh at something they said or did. I still can’t stop saying, “Lame,” which makes me crazy. There’s something about their personalities that’s very entertaining. I had no beef with any specific girl. So, finding out after in everyone’s exit interviews that people had a big problem with me...I almost hate saying this because there is a cocky connotation to it, but I felt like it was almost because of a jealousy / threat issue. If you notice, a lot of the condemning of me came when it was clear that I had a connection with Bret.

How do you look back on your falling out with Mindy?

Mindy wasn’t at a happy place when she came on the show, and she shared a lot of that with me. I offered to open my home to her. I was a very, very good friend to Mindy. It’s especially hurtful watching the show, because I didn’t realize the magnitude of how badly she was rolling me under the bus, stabbing me in the back. I don’t think Mindy went in there with the intentions of hurting anybody. I’d like to think that she’s a good person. I think that she got caught up in the game of love. I think she had true feelings for Bret, but got to a point where she started strategizing. And that’s where she took a bad turn. That’s were she started sabotaging herself. It inadvertently started making her look bad, and that makes me sad. Mindy, in my opinion, is a good, sweet girl. I think I could have had a friend for life with her, had she not done what she did. Now I don’t know that I could ever trust her as a friend because of what she was willing to do."

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