In the past 2 weeks of
I Love Money 2, the only 2 remaining white women on the show
Ice and
Angelique, got the boot. Ice was eliminated by Saaphyri for "flying under the radar", while Angelique was axed by Prancer for being a
smart player. Both girls will definitely be missed [even though the show is practically over], and they both dish some good stuff in their interviews! Angelique's is even written in a way resembling her accent, lol! Check out the snippets below!
Ice's Interview
"Where are you with Myammee today?
We’re really close. She was in town maybe a month ago hosting a party with Prancer. Prancer’s cool, she’s a friend of mine, too, but me and Myammee, we just clicked. She’s 24, I think, and she’s going to school. She’s a smart, educated chick. She reminds me of myself.
No resentment?
Not at all. It’s a game. But if she won, she better at least give me 10 G’s.
I expected there to be more of a confrontation between you and Buckwild, because you both had bad blood going into the show.
People would tell me, “Oh, Becky’s talking about you on her radio show,” which, first of all, it’s not a radio show. It’s her broadcasting from her damn computer. What the hell is that? That’s how it started, I suppose. She was saying that I talk black and I want dress like her and I want to be her. Are you kidding me? Have you seen her and have you seen me? There’s no way in hell I would want to look like her. I’m very happy with myself, I’m happy with my voice. My voice is actually why I’m on a radio station in a major market, unlike her."
Angelique's Interview
"What do you think of It voting you and Saaphyri in the box?
Eet never really been in my lion, but I was very surprised he went for Saaphyri. It was like, “What are you doing? You guys are together or whatever.” I wasn’t too surprised he vote for me. I knew I couldn’t trust him. He was on both side all way. All way of the game. I try to tell to ze Untertainer [The Entertainer] and all that a couple of time, but they will not really pay attention to it.
What do you think about 20 Pack?
I’m over it. He was like a crush show. Is that how you say?
A show-crush?
Right. To be honest with you, he was only guy I was attracted to. I wouldn’t have nobody else to play with anyway. But I am over him. I’m seeing somebody I really like in Vegas and I just want to fuck him right now."
{What is your opinion? Leave some thoughts!}