I recently had the honor to interview the winner of
Real Chance of Love,
Corn Fed. If you didn't know, Corn Fed and Real suffered a horrible break-up, with Real completely cutting all ties with her. Below in our interview session, Corn Fed, who's real name is Abbi, talks about how Real played her, some other personal stuff, and what we can see of her in the future. Overall, she a very sweet girl, and we all wish her the best in her career! Enjoy the interview!
"Why do you think Real chose you on the show if he was just going to play you in the end?
Wow, that's a really good question. Ya know, I don't think his intentions were to play me. I was definitely the right choice for him in the house. I think when we got outside the house and the cameras were off and it was back to the "real world" things just changed. I think he had a lot of opportunities to do many things and I wasn't a part of the plan. He had so many excuses as to the reason we broke up, blaming it all on me, when all he needed to do is be a MAN and say "Look Abbi, it's just not going to work out." Why try and make me look like an idiot? I didn't do anything to deserve that. I didn't do anything wrong but give my heart to the man.
In previous interviews you stated Real was talking to other girls from the show. Were any of these girls your friends? And who are they?
Yes, these girls are my friends. That's how I found out he was calling and texting them. I have heard him trash me and say I made it up and him say he just kept in touch with them as friends but, I know that's not the case. I trust my friends, why would they lie. And, as for me saying who it is, I would never put any of my girls on blast. It's not my style, I could never disrespect them like that.
What does your family now think of Real after hearing of all this break-up drama?
Well, my family of course supports me 100% . They are amazing! But, to tell you the truth they just look at it as another life lesson. God has a plan and Real was just not the right one for me.
What are you planning on doing as your future career? Like most Vh1 celebrities are you going to get into modeling / acting, or move back to Fargo and get a regular job?
I don't know where my life will take me next. I'm just enjoying everything as it comes! Real Chance of Love was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It has opened some doors for me and gotten my face out there. I would love to be a television host, maybe do other things. We'll see what God has in store, I'm definitely going to keep grinding though. I pride myself on being a hard worker and a very optimistic person so I know whatever the future brings it will be great!
If Vh1 gave Real and Chance a second season, would you watch it? And what would be your thoughts on it?
Another good question, if the guys want to give it another go around, more power to them! I would probably watch it because I enjoy watching the love shows and since I was there the first go around I would have a different take on everything. It would definitely be a little difficult to watch though.
Why do you think Real kept it a secret that he proposed to Hoopz on I Love Money? Do you think he was scared of you?
I have no clue? I asked him the same thing. I don't think he thought it was that big of a deal or maybe he wanted to see how I would react. I think that about 99% of the women out there would have reacted the same way as me, if not worse. He got off pretty damn easy in my opinion!
On the reunion special [where you looked FLY AS HELL btw], you and Real said you would give things a try. That was only earlier this month, so you think Real did this just for a good reputation on TV? Or did he seriously mean it?
Aww, thanks, you're making me blush *smiles* I don't know what he was thinking? The whole reason I posted the blog on MySpace was because I saw the video of him talking smack about me behind the scenes. I don't get Real at all! He says one thing and does another, he's never persistant. It makes you kinda question his sincerity with anything. I have never said anything false or bashed him in anyway. I have always just kept it 100. But, he has been talking crap about me on radio interviews and etc. Grow up, seriously! None of this would have been an issue if you would have just been a man in the first place and broke it off appropriately!
Coming onto this show did you think you would actually fall in love Real?
No way! I didn't think it was possible to actually fall for someone on reality TV. But I did, and I don't regret it at all. This experience made me a stronger person.
On the show Chance stated he felt Bay Bay Bay would of been better suited for Real? Why do think he said this? Was it because you were white, and BBB was black?
Race has never been the issue. I think he said it to get a reaction out of me, honestly I think most of the things Chance says is to get a reaction out of people. Cause the minute he said it I got more aggressive and I think that is a side Real wanted to see out of me. You got to remember, they are brothers, they work together. I think everyone knew I was the best choice for Real.
I was very hesitant from asking this, but a reader insisted on this. Did you and Real ever have sex?
*Laughs*. Nice try! I keep my sex life very private, unless your one of my close girlfriends, *laughs again*.
What are going to be your future plans? Do you think he would like to appear on I Love Money 3 or maybe even Charm School 3?
Charm School? *laughs*. As for I Love Money 3, I would love to work with 51 minds again, I had such a blast doing Real Chance, production is amazing, I love them all. I hope they ask me back. We'll see.
You have said that you and Cali and best friends now. On the show, we did not see much of you two together? Did you guys become close after the show finished filming?
We became close friends in the house, you just don't see it cause it's not a story line. However, we did become even closer outside the house. She was there for me through the whole Real and I drama. I would call her crying and she always would make me feel better. I have a huge crush on Lil' Wayne and she would always say the reason Real and I didn't work out is because I'm suppose to marry Lil' Wayne, *laughs*. She's a really great friend.
Many people online said you and Milf were big time competitors and some sources noted that a lot of drama went on between you two off-screen. Is any of this true?
Yeah, we had our differences. I would say yes she was my biggest competition. I don't have any type of beef with her anymore. I never really cared in the house either, she just kept digging herself into these holes. That's why she got eliminated, I really think her and I would have been final two if she wouldn't have snitched on Real all the time, ya know, he might have even picked her. You guys saw the sexual chemistry between them. If I would have known they were getting busy like that all the time, I would have never went after him like I did. It's not my thing, ew!"
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