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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Throughout his short stint on I Love Money 2 Onyx was involved in a lot of drama. He was chosen for the Green Team, but had made a secret alliance with the guys of the Gold Team. That caused his team to later turn against him. In the end, his scamming got him eliminated! In his interview he talks about Heat's dumb choice to make him go against Prancer in the challenge, and more more stuff. Check below for a snippet for his official interview with Vh1!
"What do you think about Heat?

We’ve talked since the show. I’m not the type to hold a grudge like that. It’s a competition. It’s all about how far you’re willing to go. It’s not about who’s best friends with who. It’s about stabbing people in the back and mistrust and dishonesty and alliances. That’s how you play the game. I thought he would have understood why I didn’t throw the challenge. I didn’t have to: he was going to win anyway, so let’s throw the next challenge. If he really wanted to make a difference, he should have gotten in the ring with me. That way I could have at least thrown the challenge with some dignity.

Pairing you with Prancer just seemed stupid. Was there anything more to his logic that didn’t make it to air?

No. He made a terrible choice. He actually came up to me at the challenge and said, “We’re gonna give you a girl.” I said, “That doesn’t make sense.” Buckwild went off because she heard that exchange. I just don’t know where his logic was. It was like, you’re going to ask me to throw the challenge and humiliate me on top of it. I’m not going out like that. I think I made the right decision. At the end of the day, I need to go home from these shows with my integrity. I’m not willing to relinquish that for air time.

Maybe if you hadn’t hesitated, if you’d just gone in there and knocked Prancer out, instead of kind of goofing off before doing so anyway, you would have maintained the respect of your team.

If I had to do things differently, it would have been that. But I didn’t want to go in like Heat and body-slam her. I didn’t want to go in there and just pummel a female. I figured I’d have some fun with it, but in hindsight, my team was pissed off about that."

{What is your opinion? Leave some thoughts!}

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