A couple weeks back on
Charm School with Ricki Lake and
Daisy of Love, two of the shows' most interesting characters
Brittaney and
6 Gauge were eliminated. Brittaney left because Ricki Lake felt she was instigating too many fights around the house, and because she thought Marica and Ashley needed this opportunity more than her, while 6 Gauge was eliminated for not connecting a lot with Daisy. Both of them give some revealing details in their interviews, especially 6 Gauge. Check out the excerpts below!
Brittaney's Interview
"How do you feel about being treated the way that you were by the girls on this show?
I think it spilled over from [Rock of Love Bus]. I think because of the editing, the other girls had seen only what Vh1 showed me as from the first show, so they already had their opinions of me. I really liked So Hood and Ki Ki. I thought Bubbles was a really nice girl. Like me, she’s a nice person and she gets picked on. I think it’s funny that because I was nice and talkative, the other girls wanted to say that I was fake. That doesn’t make sense to me at all. I’m fake because I try too hard to be nice? I’m nice until you push me too far. But don’t get it twisted: I can fight, but I only fight the right way. If Beverly or Farrah or anyone else wants to fight me, let’s take it to the ring. Seriously. We’ll get a ref and we’ll go at it.
Did it break you down at all?
The bathroom thing did a little. At first, it was funny. They were throwing hot dogs underneath the door and saying fat jokes. I was taking the hot dogs and throwing them at the cameramen outside the window. But then 30 minutes go by. I sat down on the floor and stretched and meditated. I was starting to get thirsty. When you turned on the sink at that house, brown water would come out for a minute before it became clear, so I was afraid to drink the water. After an hour, I started to get a little claustrophobic, a little freaked out. It just wasn’t funny to me anymore. The first thing I saw was a fire extinguisher. I’m trained to look for things in a room that you can use to defend yourself or get out of a situation with. So I took the extinguisher and I started breaking down the door. By the time I was about to break down the door, they say K.O came and unlocked it. I was spraying the thing and it was going everywhere. It’s kind of silly once you see it on TV. I took it with me to bed because I was like, “If this bitch starts with me, I’m going to spray her right in the face with it.”
That was hilarious because it was like, how many more things can Brittaney keep in her bed? Socks, food, fire extinguishers...
I was just sick of people coming up to me. Before we even got there, Beverly tried to choke me. She grabbed my hair, too. And here’s the thing about that: yeah, I cried a little bit because she yanked some of my hair out. I’m not a pussy. If you knew what I’ve gone through with my hair, you’d understand."
6 Gauge's Interview
"I thought it was strange that in the case that Daisy was kind of condescending to you about stripping, as a former stripper herself.
I don’t understand because, here’s my view: Do you go to work to make no money? Because when I go to the strip club, I go to make money. I don’t understand what the problem is. You say it’s all about the money, well it is all about the money. When you go in and clock in and do whatever you gotta do at your job, you don’t expect to do it for free. Just like when I’m entertaining I don’t expect to do it for free.
Do you go totally nude when you strip?
When was that?
2008. I was actually supposed to be on the cover and I think the magazine actually went bankrupt, but it was online. I don’t know if I still am, but hopefully not. But if I am, who cares? I have a big hog and I got a piercing, that’s what matters."
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