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Monday, March 30, 2009

For the Love of Ray J's Feisty and Rock of Love Bus' Beverly are the 2 latest cast-offs from Vh1. Feisty, better known as the show's party girl was eliminated after being backstabbed by Unique and because of her overall craziness. Beverly was axed because she was simply "in love with being in love with a rockstar". Both girls have decent interviews, and Feisty even hints at doing something like I Love Money. Check out the snippets below!

Feisty's Interview
"You lived up to your name when you had to box Lil’ Hood. Are you a fighter?

No. I’ve never gotten in a physical fight in my life! I like to talk things out. Normally, I just get along with everybody.

Since that’s the case, it’s kind of surprising that you made it to the show in the first place, let alone stayed around so long.

I know. I feel like I made it as far as possible considering that I was homesick. When I looked at the four girls I was left with, I was like, “Fuck. Now I’m gonna be bored.” All the fun girls had gone. Basically, going into the show, I figured that since I was going to be spending so much time with these girls, I’d better get along with them. I didn’t see them as competition, I felt like they were more like roommates.

Was there anyone you didn’t like?

The only person I clashed with was Cocktail, since she was a bitch and would talk shit. But I just stayed away from her. I said what I had to say, that she was shady, and I got away. I stayed away from Danger. I thought she was crazy when I met her and then she became even more crazy. That’s why I stayed around Unique: she was the most normal one."

Beverly's Interview
"When you saw [Taya] in Atlanta [working as a stripper], was that just for laughs?

Oh yeah. Really, I wanted to go and throw stuff at her and make her fall on her face. My friends and I went there. She had her little VIP section where she was signing stuff and she was sitting there all by herself and gave me a big hug, of course, because that’s how Taya is. I’m looking at her like, “OK, do you not remember how we don’t like each other?” But whatever, she was nice to me and I was nice to her and she asked us to sit up in her section. It was pretty sad, because she was celebrating her 30th birthday there and me and my friends were the only people up there with her. I ended up telling her, “I came in here wanting to throw something at you to make you fall on your face,” and she looked at me, like, “What?” I said, “You’re being nice now, but I don’t like you. I don’t like the way you are. I don’t like the way you never shut up.” She didn’t know how to take it. She just kinda sat there. I’m like, “Sorry. Thanks for the free drinks, though!” She just has no idea. She has no idea why people wouldn’t like her, why she rubs people the wrong way. She’s completely blind. It’s just like when she got upset that we didn’t cheer for her when she won the songwriting challenge. It’s like, why do you care if any of us are friends with you? We’re here fighting for a guy. None of us are supposed to be friends. If you think somebody’s your friend on the show, you’re wrong. They’re just using you because you’re an idiot.

You don’t go on reality TV to make friends! What about the notion that you fell in love with Bret Michaels the rock star instead of Bret the person.

Well, I didn’t fall in love with Bret the person. I don’t know how you could in that amount of time. But the fact that he’s a rock star doesn’t hurt. Isn’t that why everybody’s there? Who would go out with Bret the trash man? He has great eyes, but come on, you gotta draw the line somewhere.

Are your kids fans of his?

My older two knew some of his songs, but they’re obviously younger so they didn’t grow up with Poison or whatever. But when I knew I was going on the show, I’d play some of his songs to them. My oldest, my son, told me he’d seen him on Cribs, so it really sucks that I didn’t end up getting something signed for him. I’m going to have to bring something to the reunion and rub it in Taya’s face."

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