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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Last night was the finale of the show Real Chance of Love, and it was quite a shocker! Real ended up choosing Corn Fed, and Chance decided to not choose Cali or Risky, but instead no one. Cali can best be remembered for being the ghetto, yet sweet Asian girl and Risky is possibly best known for giving Chance head, according to Milf. Check out a snippet of both their interviews below!

Cali's Interview
"Did you feel at all that the show was something of a waste of time in light of Chance’s non-choice?

No, I never thought that. I learned a lot about myself, just from watching myself back. I learned a lot living with a house full of females.

What specifically did you learn?

I learned from other people’s actions. I understood why people were fighting and stuff, but watching back, it looks a little unclassy. Screaming at people doesn’t solve anything. I also learned that it’s OK to put my guard down. It’s OK to let people in, even if you get your heart broken. I also made friends with girls. It wasn’t a waste of time because I built friendships.

Were you heartbroken after the show was over?

I was! I was sad! Eventually you get over it, though. You know, I used to watch all these reality shows and when you’d hear the girls say, “I love you,” I’d be like, “How can you say that?” But I was there, so nobody can say that you can’t fall in love. Because, like, for real for real, I really did fall in love. If Chance gave me a better reason for not choosing me, I don’t think I would have been so upset. If he said, “I’m gonna be traveling a lot because of my music,” or whatever, I would have understood it. But for him to say he has love for me and still not pick me, that confused the hell out of me."

Risky's Interview
"When Chance dismissed you, he asked if you could be friends. Can you?

Oh yeah. I can’t hate him for his decision. I’ll always be his friend and I’m gonna keep my tattoo, too.

No regrets in that department?

No. My tattoo says, “Stallionette.” Regardless of whether I was picked or not, it still represents my time on the show and my experience. I feel like I’ll still be a Stallionette, no matter how it goes. Not only are doors opened for me, but the show made me realize a lot of things. So I’ll keep the tattoo as a memento of what I went through.

The past three episodes were full of attacks on you: Milf accused you of giving Chance head, Rabbit revealed that your brother’s in jail and Cali called you average. How did you cope?

As far as Rabbit and Cali, they saw me as competition. They had to do whatever they had to do to get me out of the house and get Chance to not like me as much as he did. I wasn’t surprised about that at all, I just didn’t know when it was going to happen and how. As far as Milf, I really don’t know what possessed her to accuse me of what she accused me of when I wasn’t her competition. Maybe it was that everyone was attacking her except for me, and since I’d been so calm and cordial the whole show, she figured it would be an easy way out. She figured I wouldn’t attack her back if she targeted me. But she realized that she targeted the wrong one."

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