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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On Sunday's episode of Rock of Love Bus, my favorite contestant this season Marcia, shocked everyone watching when she told Bret Michaels she didn't love him! Bret send her packing, but ever since leaving the show it seems Marcia has move on, with tequila of course! In a snippet of her interview below Marcia talks about her love for the drink and her life in Las Vegas. Enjoy the interview!
"What were your thoughts on Bret going into the show? Did you have any interest in him?

I didn’t even know Bret till the other Rock of Love. The way I got onto the show was that I was at a pool party in Vegas and, of course, I was drinking tons of tequila. The next day, this girl called me and she was acting like she knew me forever. I had no idea who she was. She was like, “Yeah, I met you at the pool. We were talking for about an hour. You’re so much fun, you gotta come!” I said, “Come where?” “To the Rock of Love casting!” At first I didn’t want to, but she was like, “Come on!” I did take two shots before I went on the interview.

I believe it. How much do you drink in a normal day?

I can drink tequila, but I cannot drink vodka. I drink two shots of vodka and I’m on the floor. My favorite drink is Patron and cranberry. But I don’t go out everyday in Vegas. Everyone thinks I’m this huge party girl. I love to stay home and watch movies and cook. When I party, I party, but I don’t drink as much as I did on the show. I had a bottle and a half one day, they said. Now, I believe I had one bottle, but I don’t remember the other half. That was before Ashley got choked out.

Is there a lot you don’t remember from your time on the show?

No, the fight with Ashley is the only thing I don’t remember. Sometimes I watch and I’ll say, “Whoa. Did I really say that?” But it’s not like everyone remembers everything, right?"

{What is your opinion? Leave some thoughts!}

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad Marcia had to go... She was one of my favorites, too, she was so much fun.. I'll always be in love with the drunkard girls ;)

    P.S.: Cute blog, hope it'll last for a while :)
