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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If you have been checking into this blog, and many other sites these last couple of days, you most probably know all of the drama surrounding Corn Fed and her relationship with Real, from Real Chance of Love. Well, I have the honor of interviewing your girl and now is the time for all ya'll to leave some questions for her! Please stay nice, and I will not ask her anything offensive! Talking about Real is okay, but DO NOT go over the edge. Post your question below as a comment and look for it in the interview coming shortly!


  1. What does her family think of Real now that all this has happened? Since she had not dated a black man before.

    Also see if you can get some sort of hint as to what female from the show Real is still trying to get with?

  2. Ask Cornfed how she met and befriended Prancer (from FOL3), since they seem to be good friends.

    Also, just to help out, I'll post Steupz question too:

    Did she and Real have sex.

  3. Ask Corn Fed if she's currently seeing someone or dating
    Also what she plans to do in the future, job-wise. Cause I know most of the girls go into videos and photo shoots for magazines
    Also, tell her she was looking FLI on the reunion and Real doesn't know what he's missing

  4. can you ask her if she would do i love money, charm school or any other vh1 show?

    and if the vh1 gives them a second season would she watch and how wouldshe feel about it?

  5. Is Corn Fed your real name?
